BLOGS  >  NOVEMBER 30, 2020

Winter Break Bingo – Digital and Paper Cards to Share!


December is here and we are just a few weeks away from winter break. Each year, I love dreaming up new ideas and resources to share with our students to use over the holiday.

I have created bookmarks, a Buncee newsletter, and even an Animoto video filled with creative and engaging ways to keep our students reading, learning, creating, and having fun during our time away from school. I want it to be something easy and fun, and something they can do independently or with a family member.  

This year, it is especially important to me to bring special places and resources together for our students, as we will be home and often looking for things to do with and without technology.  As I was brainstorming and sketching up ideas this week, I thought to myself, “Why not turn this into two Winter Break Bingo Cards?” One could be a paper card and one could be digital to make sure all students can be included in this special winter activity. 

The first My Winter Break Bingo card can be printed on paper and passed out or sent home before winter break. You will find it here to print as is or make changes to fit your needs. 

To save money on printing, I did change the colors a bit and printed in black and white. 

I included all three of the ones to possibly print here. These could be emailed home for families to print, too. 

The other bingo card is digital in the form of a choice board, a lot like what I did for the Educator and Librarian Self Care Choice Board and post that you will find here. You will find My Winter Break Bingo choice board here. This is the link you can share with your students to do online. If you’d like to make any changes you will find that link here.

I also turned the digital bingo board into a bookmark to pass out to students right before winter break. I included a short url with ( and the QR code to the digital bingo choice board. You will find the bookmark here to print and hand out to your students, too. 

By creating these, I am giving them access to a variety of ideas, resources, and experiences this holiday season. 

I hope that your students and families enjoy using the My Winter Break Bingo cards. It’s always important to keep sharing our love of reading and learning with our students, all throughout the year.  And what better gift to give them this holiday season?  

Shannon McClintock Miller
Director of Innovation of Instructional Technology and Library Media
Van Meter School, Van Meter, IA

Shannon McClintock Miller is the Future Ready Librarians® and Project Connect Spokesperson working with librarians, educators, and students around the world every day as an international speaker, consultant, and author who has a passion for education, librarianship, advocacy, technology, social media, and making a difference in the world and lives of others, especially children. Shannon brings a special expertise and vision to conversations around school libraries, education, technology, creativity, and student voice.

Follow her blog for more ideas and inspiration.

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