BLOGS  >  AUGUST 5, 2024

5 Benefits of Hosting an Online Book Fair

A Follett Book eFair is a fun and easy way to get the book fair experience without the hassle of setting up and running a physical event. Available to all PreK-8 schools in the US, our Book eFairs offer the best selection of titles, no sales minimum, hassle-free distribution, and fantastic rewards! Schools host Book eFairs throughout the year for many reasons, but here are five benefits of hosting a Book eFair for your students:

1. Student Choice and Love for Reading: Since students have many things chosen for them in their day-to-day lives, choosing the books they want to get from the online book fair gives them the power to feel they're in control. Whether they choose a story that takes them on an adventure or one that's relatable, it's their story and their choice. When students choose the books they’d like to read, they're more likely to pick up the book and fall in love with reading. And studies also show that students who regularly read for fun score higher on achievement tests. 

2. Build Excitement in the School: We know schools and educators go above and beyond to make their students look forward to learning days, but there's something extra special about book fair time. Whether it’s exploring new books, dressing up for spirit week, or having a party when you meet your online book fair goal, there are so many moments that make both students and educators grin from ear to ear!

3. Expand School, Classroom, and Home Libraries: We know one of the main goals of an online book fair is to expand school, classroom, and home libraries and give kids access to more books. While families shop the Book eFair to build their book collection, schools will earn rewards to help expand on their literacy initiatives to support students.

4. Develop Reading and Comprehension Skills: Getting more books into the hands of students helps further their reading and comprehension skills, and often builds knowledge and vocabulary critical for understanding new subject matter. This practice enables families to make reading a family event. When kids read to their families, this promotes a letter-sound relationship to pronounce and identify words correctly. When families read to their kids, this enables children to listen on a higher language level than they can read, exposing them to vocabulary and language patterns not part of everyday speech. 

5. Bring the Community Together: Hosting an online book fair can become more than just an event for the school. By inviting the community and local businesses to get involved by giving the gift of reading through donations, they can help support kids in the community whose families may not have the financial means to purchase books. Numerous research shows that reading even 20 minutes a day has been proven to significantly improve students’ literacy skills. By getting the community and local businesses involved, they can help significantly impact the lives of children within their own community. 

Visit to learn more and schedule your online Follett Book eFair today. 

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